The global solar PV market is set to increase its installed capacity from approximately 225 Gigawatts in 2015 to 294.69 GW in 2016, and will see China remain the world’s largest market for annual solar PV installations, according to research and consul…
Sheffield Solar, based in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Sheffield, has been awarded the Smart Solar Industry Award from Smart Solar UK.
The international sustainable energy consultancy E4tech has released its Fuel Cell Industry Review 2016 report, which highlights the increasing influence of China on the fuel cell sector’s growth. The stable Chinese government leadership is giving the …
Skytron® energy has been commissioned to provide monitoring and supervision technology for a 57.6 MWp solar power plant in Isabela, Puerto Rico.
Iran plans to produce 5GW of renewable energy by 2020, as the country welcomes international investment for the first time in a decade.
The South Sumatran government has agreed a deal with Norwegian grid specialist IMS Ecubes, to provide a comprehensive range of zero-carbon energy infrastructure to underpin the 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia.
Quinous has developed a new compact energy storage system which will soon be used to provide energy to a village in Tanzania.
Washington state-based Alaska Airlines has flown the first commercial flight powered by renewable jet fuel made from forest residuals.
The Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre in the UK is partnering with tidal turbine manufacturers Schottel Hydro and Tocardo Tidal Turbines on a 30 MW project off the Isle of Wight.
Scatec Solar and Norfund have signed a Power Purchase Agreement securing the sale of solar power over a 25 year period to the state owned utility Electricidade de Mozambique (EDM).